was created in 2007 to provide alternative price indexes to the official ones in Argentina. From 2007 to 2012 we published a Food and Drinks Index as well as a Basic Food Basket Index, using a combination of daily prices from two large supermarkets in Buenos Aires and the same methodologies of the INDEC before its intervention in 2007. Our task led us to create The Billion Prices Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), y then PriceStats, a private company that uses online prices to estimate daily inflation.
In 2012 we summarized the results of our work with Argentina’s inflation statistics in this paper published in the Journal of Monetary Economics. In August 2012, we replaced the original indexes of this site with a Consumer Price Index produced by PriceStats.
In 2018 we computed an corrected historical inflation series for Argentina in this other paper . The adjusted monthly price index covers the period 1943-2018, with a correction for the year 2007-2018, and can be downloaded here:: Argentina_inflation.csv , Argentina_inflation.xls

In February 2018 we stopped publishing an index for Argentina in order to concentrate our efforts on measuring the inflation rate of Venezuela.